Bashbarmak recipe: The easiest dish in Kyrgyzstan


Bashbarmak recipe is the most popular dish in Kyrgyzstan, and even neighboring countries cook this dish. Another name of this dish is five fingers. Bashbarmak is prepared with fresh meat. You can use fresh veal or chicken.

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Beshbarmak dough

Necessary ingredients for Beshbarmak recipe

You can buy Beshbarmak dough ready in stores or you can make it at home in the amount you need.

Beshbarmak paste ingredients

Flour 500 grams
Water 250 grams
Egg 1
Salt As needed

Necessary ingredients to prepare Beshbarmak

Meat 1 kg
1 Onions
Salt, black pepper, turmeric, coriander seeds As needed
Carrot 1
Potato 2

How to prepare Beshbarmak recipe

Step 1

In a large bowl, mix flour, eggs, and salt. Add some water to make the dough soft and not stick to your hands. Knead the dough for 10 minutes, then cover it with a cloth and put it in a bowl. Let it rest at room temperature for 15 minutes.

Step 2

Chop the onion and fry in a pan until golden and set aside.

Step 3

Chop the meat and put three glasses of water on the heat in a pot and add salt, pepper, and turmeric to it until it is fully cooked. Boil potatoes and carrots.

Step 4

Spread the dough completely and cut it into small squares. You can cook it in water or meat broth for 10 minutes.

Step 5

Put the cooked dough in a serving dish and put the cooked meat and potatoes on it along with the red onion and decorate it with any kind of vegetables you like.

Note: The presence of vegetables, carrots and potatoes is completely optional.

Beshbarmak with vegetables

Benefits of Bashbarmak recipe: The easiest dish in Kyrgyzstan

  • Rich in protein and calories
  • Increase sexual power
  • Bone strength

Disadvantages of Bashbarmak recipe: The easiest dish in Kyrgyzstan

  • Excessive use of it can cause heart problems
  • Digestive problems and slow digestion in the stomach

Beshbarmak without vegetables

In the end

Bashbarmak recipe: The easiest dish of Kyrgyzstan is the easiest and tastiest dish of this country that you can prepare at home. The presence of vegetables in it is a matter of taste, and in many countries things are added to it, such as aromatic vegetables and peas. Of course Onions can be used raw in this dish.

1 Comment
  1. […] Bashbarmak recipe is one of the best and most delicious traditional dishes of Kyrgyzstan. This dish is also known as five fingers because  […]

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