Khiar shoor: Easy pickled cucumber recipe at home


Khiar shoor is one of the most delicious foods and fast food seasonings that is used a lot. This delicious seasoning is used the most in Asian and Middle Eastern countries.

Khiar shoor can also be prepared with acidic ingredients, which, in addition to being unhygienic, have many risks for the stomach. In, we want to teach you the easiest way to prepare pickled cucumber. You can easily prepare this delicious seasoning at home with only a few available ingredients.

Like Torshi labou, pickled cucumbers are used as a snack alongside Iranian dishes.

 Khiar shoor Pickled cucumbers with all fast food dishes

Necessary ingredients to prepare Khiar shoor

Cucumber 2 kg
Salt 1/4 glass
water 2 liters
Garlic 5 pcs
Hot and sweet pepper 5 pcs
Black pepper As needed
Vinegar Half a glass
Dill and tarragon In small quantities

Recipe for Khiar shoor: Easy pickled cucumber recipe at home

To prepare khiar shoors, it is better to use small cucumbers with thin and fresh skin, and the important point in this recipe is that


You can use as much or as little of the mentioned ingredients as you like.

For example, the amount of garlic or the amount of pepper is completely tasteful because it makes it spicy.

Ingredients for making Khiar shoor

Step 1

Wash and disinfect the desired amount of cucumber along with the aromatic vegetables you have, then dry with a towel. Because cucumbers and vegetables are wet, it causes the salted cucumbers to mold.

Step 2

Put the water and salt on the heat until it boils and the salt dissolves in it, then remove it from the heat and let it cool down.

Step 3

In a bottle or jar with a tightly closed lid, put the cucumbers together with vegetables, garlic, and pepper in the jar.

Step 4

We add salt water and vinegar to the cucumbers. Pay attention that the amount of vinegar has a great effect on the final taste of the pickled cucumber, and if the salty taste is more delicious for you, add less vinegar, or if you like the sour taste, add more vinegar.

Step 5

At the end, close the lid of the jar tightly so that air does not enter the jar and place it in a cool place away from direct sunlight. The pickles can be used after a week.

Crispy and delicious salty cucumber-khiar shoor

The benefits of khiar shoor

  • Source of antioxidants
  • Diabetes control
  • Weight Loss
  • Improve digestive function
  • Prevent constipation

Khiar shoor Pickled cucumbers with pickled garlic on a tray

Disadvantages of khiar shoor

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Causing swelling and bloating
  • Dehydration
  • Increased risk of heart disease

In the end

Khiar shoor is a very delicious seasoning next to fast food. You can prepare a crispy, delicious, and healthy pickled cucumber at home by following the important points in this recipe. You can store this seasoning in the refrigerator for about 2 to 3 months. Use more than There are many disadvantages of Khiar shoors.

1 Comment
  1. […] Khiar shoor is one of the most used and delicious seasonings for food and fast food .This delicious food is consumed  […]

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