Baghali Ghatogh: A delicious taste of authentic Iranian food


Baghali Ghatogh is an persian recipe that is rich in high fiber. This dish is very simple and has a different taste that you can eat as a stew with rice. The main ingredients of this dish are beans.

This food is completely vegetarian, which is suitable for people who are on a diet or are vegetarians. At , we teach you the easiest cooking method so that you can easily prepare a variety of dishes at home. Baghali Ghatogh beans are very nutritious and useful for the body.

baghali ghatogh in traditional dishes

Necessary ingredients for preparing Baghali Ghatogh: A delicious taste of authentic Iranian food

Beans must be skinless, so remove the skin beforehand. You can peel it during the bean season and keep it in the freezer so that it is easily available whenever you need it.

Bean 500 Grams
Dry dill 6 Spoons
Garlic 5 Cloves
Eggs 2
Salt, pepper, turmeric As needed
Butter 100 Grams
Water As needed

How to prepare Baghali Ghatogh: A delicious taste of authentic Iranian food

Step 1

First, put a suitable container on the heat and pour the butter into it until it melts. Chop the garlic and fry it in butter. After that, put the beans in it and fry for 2 minutes.

Step 2

Add dry dill to beans. Then add salt, pepper and turmeric. Add water at this point. Water should be a pinch more than ingredients. Allow time for the beans to soften.

Step 3

After the liquid has dried and the oil has been found in it, you can add two eggs. The amount of eggs is optional. You can eat this dish with rice.

baghali ghatogh without eggs

Benefits of Baghali Ghatogh: A delicious taste of authentic Iranian food

  • High fiber
  • Rich in iron and minerals
  • Lots of vitamins

Disadvantages of Baghali Ghatogh: A delicious taste of authentic Iranian food

  • High bloating
  • Digestive problems
  • Drug interactions
  • High gluten

baghali ghatogh for lunch

In the end

Baghali Ghatogh is a nutritious vegetable food, and because of the presence of eggs, it also contains protein. This food is suitable for vegetarians or people who have a special diet. In Iran, this food is cooked in the northern cities of this country. Bean is a legume, which is very nutritious. We suggest you prepare this delicious food at home and share your opinion with us.

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