Dampokhti: The best lunch meal


Dampokhti or Damopokhtak is a delicious and colorful authentic Iranian food that has been cooked in all the cities of this country for a long time and of course it is prepared in different ways and with different ingredients. This dish is very simple and easy that you can easily prepare it at home and because of the presence of rice in it, it is better to eat it as a lunch.

A food with a variety of vitamins and high fiber that is very useful for the body and can be eaten even during illness. For the better quality of this food, first-class and fresh ingredients should be used in order to experience a better aroma and taste. Follow Yummcook.com to cook this delicious dish.

dampokhti Potato stew

Necessary ingredients to prepare Dampokhti: The best lunch meal

These ingredients are suitable for 4 people and it is better to use local rice.

Rice 4 Cups
Tomatoes 1 Kg
Tomato paste 2 Spoons
Potatoes 2
Onion 1
Salt, pepper, turmeric As necessary
Butter or oil As needed
Water As needed

How to prepare Dampokhti: The best lunch meal

Step 1

First, like all rice-cooked foods, put the rice in water for 2 hours to rest and put a suitable dish on the heat and pour half a pint of oil or a spoonful of butter in it and chop the onions and Add to oil.

Step 2

Chop the potato and add it to the onion, then chop the tomatoes into small pieces, or you can grate them and add them to the ingredients along with the tomato paste, and after 10 minutes, you can add the spices, but note that Turmeric should be used in less quantity because it weakens the color of tomato paste.

Step 3

At this stage, add the rice to the ingredients and add water to the amount of a fingertip more than the ingredients and close the lid of the container. Stir the rice every 10 minutes and you can add some butter or oil to it so that the rice does not stick together and after the rice water dries up and the rice becomes soft, close the lid of the container and let the food cook. Give it 30 minutes and then you can take it off the heat and drink it.

The steps of cooking dampokhti

Advantages of Dampokhti: The best lunch meal

  • High antioxidant
  • High fiber
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Heart health
  • Skin health

Disadvantages of Dampokhti: The best lunch meal

  • Risk of kidney stones
  • Digestive problems
  • Weight gain

dampokhti with aromatic vegetables

In the end

Dampokhti or tomato Dampokhtak is a convenient dish that you can prepare in a very short time and increase or decrease the ingredients according to your taste. For example, you can use chicken or mutton in it, or add legumes such as lentils or mung bean to it. The health and quality of the foods you use have a great impact on the health of your body, so stay with us to teach you the best and highest quality foods in the world.

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