Digche recipe: Healthy and very nutritious dessert


Digche recipe is one of the best famous desserts in Iran, its beautiful aroma and color is attractive and the taste of saffron is enchanting. This dessert is consumed a lot in all occasions, especially during the month of Ramadan, and it is necessary in this month because of the high energy it gives to the body.

A slice of the 
digche recipe

One of the main ingredients in this dessert is saffron, which has many properties and is very uplifting and warm, and its presence in foods and desserts gives it a very beautiful aroma and color.

The city of Mashhad is the main hub and exporter of saffron, and the pot is also special for this city and is known as a traditional dessert, and like Saffron pudding, it has a very easy recipe and you can easily cook it at home.

Necessary ingredients to prepare the recipe for Digche recipe: Healthy and very nutritious dessert

Saffron plays a very important role in Digche recipe, so it is better to use a quality saffron, many people prepare this dessert without saffron and only with rose water, and the amount of saffron in it is optional.

Half grain rice 1 Glass
Milk 2 Kg
Sugar 2 Cups
Butter 2 Spoons
Water 2 Glasses
Rose water 1 Glass
Cream Half a glass
Infused saffron As desired
Cardamom powder A teaspoon

How to prepare the Digche recipe: Healthy and very nutritious dessert

Step 1

First, put the half-grain rice in water two to three hours before starting cooking, and after this time, put the rice with water on the heat until the rice water dries well and the rice is cooked and soft.

Step 2

Add half of the milk to the rice and stir until it does not stick and the milk is completely combined with the rice, and after the ingredients thicken, add the rest of the milk to the ingredients until it becomes a jelly and becomes thick.

Step 3

At this stage, add sugar, rose water, saffron and cardamom and mix them together, and after the sugar is mixed in the ingredients, add butter and cream at the end of the process.

Step 4

Reduce the heat and put the lid of the container on it and it should be cooked like rice for 30 minutes and then you can put it in a serving dish and drink it after it cools down.

digche recipe with many nuts

The advantages of Digche recipe: Healthy and very nutritious dessert

  • Rich in protein
  • Source of vitamins and minerals
  • Improve heart health
  • Energizing
  • Uplifting and relaxing
  • Easy to digest
  • Strengthen the immune system

Disadvantages of Digche recipe: Healthy and very nutritious dessert

  • High sugar
  • High fat because of butter and cream
  • Digestive problems
  • Weight gain
  • Tooth decay


Digche recipe is easy and hassle-free, and it has simple ingredients that you can prepare this delicious dessert for everyone in the family and give energy and vitality to the family. You can eat this dessert as a snack and in the evening and provide your body with energy for several hours. Any food may have complications if used excessively, so be careful when eating it. Maybe this is the best and most delicious dessert you will experience, so prepare it and share your opinion with us.

1 Comment
  1. omi says


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