Peshtezik: The delicious taste of sesame


Peshtezik or Sesame Sohan is a very delicious and aromatic sweet in the north of Iran, which is very nutritious and full of energy. A different flavor that is very easy to prepare and its main ingredient is sesame, and you can easily prepare this delicious dessert at home with sesame.

Peshtezik is a sweet snack that you can use with tea or any other drink and use this food instead of sugar or chocolate and prepare it at parties or get-togethers and make your table more colorful. In, we will teach you the easiest and fastest way to prepare it Stay with us.

Peshtezik with afternoon tea

Necessary ingredients to prepare Peshtezik: The delicious taste of sesame

You should note that this sweet has a better aroma and taste with brown sesame and if you use this type of sesame which has less fat, you will get different results.

Sesame 2 Cups
Sugar 3 Cups
Walnuts 1/5 Cup
Butter 100 Grams

How to prepare Peshtezik: The delicious taste of sesame

Step 1

First, put a suitable non-stick dish on the heat and pour sesame seeds in it and stir until its aroma spreads and its color darkens a little. Reduce the heat so that the sesame seeds do not burn, and in the meantime, grind the walnuts and add them to the sesame seeds so that the walnuts are roasted like them and the aroma of the walnuts is combined with the sesame seeds.

Step 2

In another non-stick container, put the sugar on the heat until it melts and becomes a thick syrup, just pay attention that the heat should not be too high because the sugar may burn and the taste will become bitter.

Step 3

This step is the most important part of baking the Peshtezik, which you should pay attention to that it should be done very quickly. Put the sesame and walnuts in the melted sugar and add the butter to it and mix it regularly so that all the ingredients stick together and immediately put it on a flat surface like a tray, which you should grease the bottom of it a little before. Do not stick to the tray and spread it well with a spatula. The material should be spread very thinly on a flat surface because the thinner it is, the easier it is to eat, and then let it cool and finally, after it cools down, cut it into small pieces.

Peshtezik without walnuts

Benefits of Peshtezik: The delicious taste of sesame

  • Source of calcium and phosphorus
  • Protein source
  • Rich in iron
  • High fiber
  • Bone and nail health

Disadvantages of Peshtezik: The delicious taste of sesame

  • High sugar
  • Risk of tooth decay
  • Weight Gain
  • Digestive problems

Peshtezik cut

In the end

One of the problems in today’s world is the lack of vitamins and nutrients in meals, which we can compensate for by eating healthy foods. Sesame is a rich source of all kinds of good vitamin substances, which can be absorbed by the body when consumed raw or in food. Peshtezik is one of these delicious foods that we suggest you make sure to prepare and enjoy eating it.

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