Mella Ghormeh: Simple and delicious vegetarian food


Mella Ghormeh is from the northern lands of Iran, which is very special and useful. This food is very suitable for people who are vegetarians or are allergic to meat. Its main structure is eggplant and tomato.

In we teach you the best dishes and the easiest way to cook them. Mella Ghormeh is served with bread or rice. One of the most important points in cooking is the freshness of the ingredients. In this dish, the freshness of the vegetables gives it a different taste. A food full of vitamins and nutrients that is suitable for all people.

mella-ghormeh without eggs

Necessary ingredients to prepare Mella Ghormeh: Simple and delicious vegetarian food

As a healthy and low-fat food, Mella Ghormeh can be included in your dining table.

Eggplants 3
Tomatoes 3
Garlic 2 Cloves
Onion 1
Parsley, coriander, chopped mint 1 Spoon
Eggs 2
Tomato paste 2 Spoons
Salt, pepper, turmeric As needed
Water As needed
Oil As needed
Verjuice 2 Spoons

How to prepare Mella Ghormeh: Simple and delicious vegetarian food

Step 1

First, peel and chop the eggplants and put them in water and add salt to it. Allow an hour for the bitterness of the eggplant to be removed. Remove the yellow juice. Fry the eggplant in oil.

Chopped eggplant for mella-ghormeh

Step 2

Chop the tomatoes. Add the chopped vegetables, garlic and onions to the eggplants until they fry a little.

Step 3

Add the tomato paste to the ingredients and add salt, pepper and turmeric to it, add water and let it cook completely.

At the end, you can mix the eggs together and add to this food until it hardens. (Egg is optional)

Note: Note: The amount of sourness of this dish is optional, and you can make it more sour by adding Verjuice to this dish. You can also use Ghare Ghoroot to make it sour.

mella-ghormeh with aromatic vegetables

Advantages of Mella Ghormeh: Simple and delicious vegetarian food

  • Lots of vitamins
  • Boosting the immune system
  • High fiber
  • Low fat
  • Antioxidants
  • Suitable for vegetarians

Disadvantages of Mella Ghormeh: Simple and delicious vegetarian food

  • Food allergy
  • Digestive problems
  • High bloating

In the end

Mella Ghormeh is an original and traditional dish that has many fans. You can prepare this dish with chicken meat or use more or less aromatic vegetables. It is suggested to prepare this delicious food and enjoy eating it.

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