Dizi Recipe: Simple and Special Food at Home

Dizi Recipe or Abgousht is a traditional and authentic Iranian food. In every city and country, there are a number of dishes as the official food of that region that are not specific to a specific place and all the people of that country…

Burek: A Simple Turkish Dish

Burek is an authentic Turkish food that is very popular and has an attractive appearance. This dish has a very easy recipe and is a great option when you don't have much time to cook. This dish has different recipes, some of which we have…

Dolme Esfenaj: A Source of Iron and Energy

Dolme Esfenaj is one of the delicious and simple Iranian dishes that has a wonderful taste. Spinach is a source of iron, which is beneficial for the body when consumed in any type of food. This dish is from the large family of dolmas, which…

Kuku Gerdu: Easy and quick recipe

Kuku Gerdu is one of the fast and easy Iranian foods that has many properties and helps the brain function better. Walnut has a warm character, and one of its most important features is the presence of omega-3, which has many benefits for…